Friday, October 3, 2008

Ridgeline Run!

I love being a mom! Days like today make it all worth it. I got to help out a little bit at Mia's school fundraiser this morning. They held what they call the "Ridgeline Run". The kids collected pledges from family members and then came to school to run their little hearts out. I loved seeing all of the kids line up at the start line trying desperately to contain their limitless energy. They had music and the school mascot and lots of supportive parents to cheer on the kids! I couldn't help myself I jumped in and jogged a couple of laps with Mia. It was great!

After the festivities I went to Mia's classroom since it was my day for volunteering. Every single time I hear the kids sing and say the Pledge of Allegiance my eyes fill with tears. It is the sweetest thing to hear all of their innocent little voices unite and pledge allegiance to our country and it's values. It is so inspiring and patriotic. I am thankful that I get the opportunity to serve in Mrs. Melzer's class. And I absolutely love being a Mommy.