Monday, March 9, 2009 it has been awhile!

I haven't blogged for awhile.  What can I say Facebooking is so convenient!   Convenient, but not necessarily as satisfying.  

I miss hearing all of the details about your day to day lives.  I miss your rantings and ravings. I miss your pictures and I miss your sweet kid stories. 

I hope you haven't forgotten about me.  Check in on the Widdowson Bears from time to time.  Can we go back to the way things were before I fell of the blogspot! :)



Payne Family said...

I just about fell off my chair that you had a new post on the blog. You must continue to blog because as you said it is more "satisfying". Anyways, your pics on our blog are beautiful so no more barn comments eh? We need to go out sometime. Let us know what works for you! Love ya,

Trish said...

Yay - you are back! You know you are always welcomed back with open arms! Now start posting!!! xoxo

Bobbi Phillips said...

I've been wondering if you'd ever return to the blogging world. It is hard to do facebook and blogging...Kim told me she was "over blogging" and she's now into facebook. (I wonder how long it will take her to be over FB) You'll have to get after her.
Now will you keep em coming...2 months is way too long to go without a post!!!

Staci said...

I'm glad you are back, although Chris is usually the one posting:) I'm not sure if you guys are facebook friends, but he's pretty good at keeping me posted...thank you for your sweet comment!

Sara said...

Nicely done! Now keep it up!!!

Stephen and Effie said...

so you are back, where are the pictures. The writting is great and all, but I need pictures. it is not a real post unless you have sat there for 5 mins waiting for pictures to load ony to be told that blogger failed to complete the action and you get to try again