Well, it is finished! I have officially completed my first half marathon. What an experience!
The Story:
Night before the race...
I eat a good hearty dinner and retire to my bed early, 9:30 to be exact. I am a little nervous, but more excited than anything. I am sleeping like a baby until one of my babies wakes up sick! 1:30 am Vivy wakes up and never goes back to sleep. I had my alarm set for 4 am and didn't need it. I thought maybe it was a sign that I wasn't supposed to go the race. I ran that idea past Jon and he said, "Go get in the car!". We packed up our little PJ wearing VivyAnn and off we went!
Morning of the race...
We arrived in Mapelton a little after 5 am. I picked up my number jumped on a bus and headed up the canyon with all of the other participants. We were dropped off and then walked about 3/4 mile to the start line. I thought for sure we would start the race with in a half an hour...I think it was more like an hour and half! Let me tell ya...it wasn't exactly warm up there in that early mornin' mountain air. I was freezing!!
Finally, they start the race. It wasn't at all what I thought it would be. There were so many people in such a narrow space. We all got a slow, weird start. It was ok though, it kinda felt good to weave through a bunch of people until I was running my own pace. The only thing that I think is weird is that the race only had one official time. So the time started at the sound of the gun, but I didn't actually cross the start line until a couple of minutes after the gun. So I kept track of my own time with my ipod. Not totally official, but hey what do you do.
Ok, so I am running. And running. And running. Then I pass the 10 mile mark. And... ya baby...I am feeling good and am on line to finish under two hours. (Oh ya, that was my goal. I didn't cared how far under two hours; it could have 1:59.59 and I would have been happy.) I ran all of mile 10 and crossed the 11 mile mark and...dun, dun, dun....my legs turned to lead weights. I couldn't tell if they were bending at the knee or if they were even attached to my butt! It was the craziest feeling! I must of looked like some kinda of granny hobblin' around. I think my pace slowed to a 10 and half minute mile and that was probably the high point of the whole mile!
I kept yelling at myself..."come on you can't crap out now!", "are you serious Mind, you are practically done and this is how you are going out!", "Move it you wimp!". But nothing worked, my legs were in the twilight zone! Mercifully, I passed the 12 mile marker and miraculously I got some feeling back in my legs and picked up the pace ever so slightly. I was back under a 10 minute mile, but probably not by much. I was able to run the last half of a mile at a good fast pace, but unfortunately it wasn't enough to make up for lost time. I crossed the finish line and my ipod read 2:00:31. I cried.
I am trying so hard to be proud of myself for finishing, but really I am mostly focusing on how close I was to achieving my goal. Bummer. Can you imagine how the Olympic athletes must feel when they miss their goals by one one-hundredth of a second! They have trained a life time and here I am crying when I have trained for 3 months. That helps me put things into perspective.
I said that I only wanted to do this once for an experience, but now I have left myself wanting. I will have to run another one and crush that 2 hour mark!
Come, on lady! Give yourself some props! You beat my first race time by 3 minutes!
Ok You beat my time by 20 minutes!!! That is a great time. I ran with 10 other girls and only 2 got a better time than you! You are awesome!
That 10 mile mark is rough! My feet went totally numb and my tummy was not well! :)
You did so great!!!
I thought we agreed you weren't going to dog yourself about this!!! (Not that I believed you). You did awesome and I have no doubt that when your second race comes around you will definitely reach your goal!! Way to go girl!
Mindy I'm so PROUD of you! Running races like that always seemed like such a far off goal, one I'll probably never see but you..you have seen it, done it, and conquered it! You are truly an inspiration to me and those who know you, love you!
Way to go, Mindy! After experiencing a 1/2, I know about the jelly legs being disconnected from your butt...how does that happen?? Congrats on finishing your first of many!
You are amazing! This officially qualifies you as a wonder woman!! I have seen pictures of myself running & I must say that I NEVER have looked half as good as you do (and you were going on mile 13!). Props on your model running pics ;) And thanks for sharing your inspiring story.
Good Job
You are so awesome! I'm so proud of you, you did it!!!
Whoo Whoo Mindy! Congratulations! I'm so proud of you! You did awesome and I know you'll beat your time on your next one! That's such a major accomplishment!
Holy Crap! I am sooo sorry I totally spaced the race was this weekend. Mom even reminded me...Ugh! You rock! Focus on the journey girl no one ever remembers the time only the experience!
love ya T-Dog
Way to go Mind'!! I'm so impressed!!! Thanks for being a great motivator!
Ps-if you say "motivator" like "da terminator" it's way funnier;)
Love ya!
So if we are running the next one together I have no choice but to run like the wind to get under 2 hours, right?! HA! I am So proud of you! You are seriously my hero! I want to do it so bad and I hope you are really upto it! We can make a whole trip out of it! Let me know your thoughts! Wes has already tried to talk me out of it... Sucka!
I am standing on my feet clapping for you. You're amazing for finishing. Congrats
Way to finish the race. And you left yourself room for improvement. Now you are hooked and I'm sure we'll be hearing of your next big race. Looking forward, I think, to my own race. I'll bet the jelly leg thing will be something I will get to experience as well.
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